RecyClass approves COIM’s ‘Novacote® NC 560 A + CA 101’ laminating adhesive
26 Sep 2023

Latest independent testing shows that the COIM’s laminating adhesive is fully compatible with the flexible polyethylene (PE) recycling stream in Europe. Evaluations were carried out following a simplified version of the RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocol for PE films[1] specifically developed for testing such packaging features.

‘Novacote® NC 560 A + CA 101’ is a solvent-based aliphatic laminating adhesive, used in the manufacturing of multilayer PE films for food and pharma flexible packaging.

Scientific testing was carried out by Aimplas and shows that unlike many other laminating adhesives COIM’s technology results in only very slight effect on the colour of final recyclates. Consequently, it was found to have no negative effects on the state-of-the-art recycling processes for flexible PE in Europe.

The approval is valid as long as the amount of adhesive used does not exceed 2.5 wt% of the PE film[2]. Due to its performance within the recycling process, ‘Novacote® NC 560 A + CA 101’ was found to be fully compatible with recycling, being in line with and exceeding the general actual Design for Recycling recommendations issued by RecyClass on the use of laminating adhesives[3].

This Recyclability Approval emphasizes the importance of innovation in overcoming some of the commonly found design issues in plastic packaging. Moreover, it reinforces the work of the RecyClass Laminating Adhesives Working Group, which COIM is part of, in generating knowledge on the use of laminating adhesives. The underlying goal of this Group is to support the industry in developing novel technologies, while fulfilling the recyclability criteria at the same time.  


[1] RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols

[2] The full list of conditions can be found in the Recyclability Approval Letter: COIM ‘Novacote® NC 560 A + CA 101’

[3] RecyClass Design for Recycling Guidelines


RecyClass Recyclability Approvals

RecyClass issues two types of Recyclability Approvals – Technology Approvals and Product Approvals. These are issued upon conducted testing in accordance with one of the established Recyclability Evaluation Protocols. Testing results are incorporated in the RecyClass Design for Recycling Guidelines and the Online Tool. The full list of approved Technologies and Products can be found on the RecyClass website.


About RecyClass

RecyClass is a non-profit, cross-industry initiative advancing recyclability, bringing transparency to the origin of plastic waste and establishing a harmonized approach toward recycled plastic calculation & traceability in Europe. RecyClass develops Recyclability Evaluation Protocols and scientific testing methods for innovative plastic packaging materials which serve as the base for the Design for Recycling Guidelines and the RecyClass Online Tool. RecyClass established Recyclability Certifications for plastic packaging, Recycling Process Certification and Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification for plastic products.

RecyClass – Plastic Future is Circular

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About COIM

COIM Group is an Italian multinational company which has been developing and producing chemical specialties since 1962, operating globally through nineteen manufacturing and trading companies. 

COIM Group is leader in the production of polyesters, polyols, polyurethanes and specialty resins for several industrial applications. Through the brands NOVACOTE and COIMINKS, COIM Group offers a complete range of products to support flexible packaging manufacturers. As a single supplier producing adhesives, coatings and inks, COIM Group is a reliable and knowledgeable partner, offering one of the most complete portfolios in the flexible packaging industry.