‘InLine Foiling’ tube decoration by Leonhard Kurz approved by RecyClass
20 Apr 2021
Independent testing confirms that Leonhard Kurz’s ‘InLine Foiling’ tube decoration technology is suitable for recycling in the HDPE containers stream. The technology allows for the inline application of metallic designs on HDPE bottles and tubes.
Within this technology, the decoration layer is applied on packaging by deposing a few microns of several layers including top coats, metallization and UV curable adhesive.
The technology was tested on HDPE tubes with a surface coverage of 70%, representing respectively 3.4% of the total weight of the packaging. Additionally, the sortability test carried by Suez.Circpack® as per the RecyClass Sorting Protocol demonstrated that the packaging is sortable into an HDPE coloured containers stream.
The laboratory analyses carried by the Institut für Kunststofftechnologie und -recycling (IKTR), as per the RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocol for HDPE containers, revealed there is compatibility with the recycling process under specific conditions[1]. These include, among others, the conditions that the main packaging body must be white, with decoration representing no more than 70% of the total surface and excluding any additional printing technologies.
Building on the findings of the previous testing of the ‘InLine Foiling’ tube technology with 30%[2] of the surface covered which was granted full approval, it was demonstrated that extensive decoration, in that case with 70% surface coverage can be granted a limited approval as the decoration particles will not be removed from the recycling stream.
The tested ‘InLine Foiling’ decoration process generates recyclates that can be used in the manufacturing of high-quality blow moulding applications, with up to 25% concentration.
Every component of plastic packaging must be considered when evaluating its recyclability. Testing decorative elements to ensure their compatibility with recycling technologies is indispensable in driving high-quality recycling and, therefore, it is a big step forward for the packaging industry.
[1] The full list of the conditions can be found in the Leonhard Kurz’s Recylass Technology Approval Letter: https://recyclass.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2020-HDPE-032-Leonhard-Kurz-technology-approval-letter.pdf
[2] Leonhard Kurz’s ‘InLine Foiling’ decoration approved by RecyClass, November 18, 2020 https://recyclass.eu/leonhard-kurzs-inline-foiling-decoration-approved-by-recyclass/
RecyClass is a comprehensive cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclability and to establish a harmonized approach towards recycled content calculation and its traceability in Europe. Activities within RecyClass include the development of Recyclability Evaluation Protocols and scientific testing of innovative materials which serve as the base for the Design for Recycling guidelines and the free online tool. RecyClass offers Recyclability Certifications and Recycled Content Traceability Certification for plastic packaging.
Contact: Alice.Wallon@plasticsrecyclers.eu, www.recyclass.eu