RecyClass for Beginners - What is RecyClass? Get to know the basics.
With RecyClass for Beginners series, we aim to bring the audience back to the basics of what RecyClass is and its different activities. The sessions are aimed at the cross-section of the industry with no prior knowledge of RecyClass.
The first webinar of the series covered the following topics.
15.00-15.05h Welcome & Introduction
15.05-15.10h What is RecyClass?
15.10-15.20h Recyclability: Design Matters
15.20-15.30h Recycled plastic: Traceability. Transparency. Trust.
15.30-15.45h Questions & Answers
Below you will find the webinar presentations, while the recording can be accessed via the following link.
This session is supported by our media partner, Recycling Magazine. Download their magazine here.