RecyClass Unwrapped: Value-chain collaboration for circularity of PET bottles
Following the numerous commitments of the industry players to increase uptake of recycled plastics, including the new mandatory target of 25% in PET bottles by 2025, the European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP) and RecyClass decided to join efforts to further support the value chain actors in making the right design decisions in PET bottle production so that its recyclability, and therefore, circularity is guaranteed.
Join this session to learn more about how companies can use the guidelines and testing protocols to advance the circularity of PET bottle packaging.
15.00-15.05h Welcome & Introduction
15.05-15.20h Argiris Dabanlis, Technical Manager, PETCORE Europe
15.20-15.30h Fabrizio di Gregorio, Technical Director, Plastics Recyclers Europe
15.30-15.45h Michael Stadler, R&D Manager, CCL Label Völkermarkt GmbH
15.45-16.00h Questions & Answers
Moderated by: Casper van den Dungen, Vice-President, Plastics Recyclers Europe