

RecyClass Unwrapped: How to boost recyclability for Automotive & Electrical and Electronic appliances?

For the past 10 years, RecyClass has been leading the way in establishing science-based standards for plastic packaging recyclability. In response to evolving legislation and growing demand for recycled plastics in other sectors, RecyClass has launched the Automotive and Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Technical Committee in 2024.

During this webinar SIRMAX and Elix Polymers, the first members of RecyClass for this new branch, will share the expertise that will fuel the establishment of testing protocols and Design for Recycling Guidelines for these sectors.

Pannellists include:

  • Tom Caris, Manager Technology, Innovation & Business Development, Coolrec BV
  • Ignacio Buezas Sierra, Business Development Manager, Elix Polymers
  • Leonardo Forner, Group Marketing & Sustainability Coordinator, Sirmax
  • Augusto Bruno, Technical Manager, Plastics Recyclers Europe

Registrations will close on February 6.

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