

RecyClass Unwrapped: Towards the EU recycling targets with RecyClass

With more than 293 signatories, Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) brings together players from the entire plastic value chain to work on the overarching goal of boosting the uptake of 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics on the EU market.

With this session, we shed light on what CPA is and how it aims to accomplish the set goals. In addition, we reflect on how RecyClass can help to accomplish them. 



15.00-15.05h     Welcome & Introduction

15.05-15.20h     Kristin Geidenmark Olofsson, Director Regulatory Affairs & Strategic Innovation, Trioworld Industrier AB 

15.20-15.35h     Brian Lodge, UK Design Director, Berry Global

15.35-15.45h     Fabrizio di Gregorio, Technical Director, Plastics Recyclers Europe

15.45-16.00h     Questions & Answers